Sedalia Democrat

When Teenagers Plan to Have Babies

Mary R. rolled her eyes, smiled and said, "I love you, too, Brian," as her 2-year-old son peeked around the bedroom door, yelled that he loved her then zealously slammed it. "Sometimes I think if I hadn't had Brian, what would I be doing now? And I think if I had it to do all over again, I would've waited until I was older," the 19-year-old mother said. "'But then I think if I'd waited, would I have had this baby?"

Ballroom dancer gets into the swing

Sharon Shea lights a cigarette with a slight theatrical air, crosses her legs and perches on the edge of her sofa with a straight, dancer's back. She looks across the room with her dark, flashing eyes at a petite man in a peach-colored shirt and pants and white sweater and shoes. He's her father, Vaughn Hills, and she admires him deeply. She says Hills and her deceased mother, Orlene, greatly influenced the rhythmic path she chose to pursue in life.